
Dental implants are used to replace a missing tooth or teeth. They are small metal screws (usually made of titanium) that are placed into the jawbone to act like artificial tooth roots. Over time, they fuse to the jawbone and a restoration is fitted on top. Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth (an implant crown) or many teeth (an implant bridge or implant denture)

People are often surprised with how little discomfort is experienced during treatment. Just after the dental implants are placed in the mouth, any discomfort can usually be managed at home with normal painkillers. Some minor swelling occasionally occurs and is normal, this subsides within a few days after surgery.

Provided you look after your mouth, maintain good oral hygiene and see your dentist regularly, dental implants can last many years. Implant treatment is akin to having a hip replacement – you would expect the artificial hip to last 10-20 years and then it may need re-treating and it is important that you look after your dental implants for the very best, long-lasting results.


From £2400 per tooth


  • As this is a surgical procedure, you should expect minor discomfort immediately after dental implant placement. The amount of discomfort experienced is related to the complexity and length of procedure. Most people have very little discomfort, while others can usually manage minor discomfort with normal painkillers at home. Modern dental techniques, products and technologies make the procedure quick, efficient and pain-free in many cases.

  • If you look after your dental implants with good oral hygiene, and visit your dentist regularly, they should last many years up to 15-20 without adjustment. It’s similar to having a hip replacement – you would expect the artificial hip to last 10-20 years and then it might need re-treating.

  • You definitely need to clean your dental implants regularly and with the right products. Good oral hygiene has a massive role to play in the short- and long-term success of your dental implants. So be sure and visit your dentist regularly to ensure you have the right oral hygiene routine/products for your implant.

  • Most adults with good general and oral health are suitable for dental implants. Young people whose jaw is still growing are usually not suitable. Anyone who smokes or drinks heavily may also not be suitable, also individuals with certain complex medical conditions may be unsuitable. Everyone is different – your dentist will be able to provide more information tailored to you.

  • In some cases, the restoration (false tooth) can be fitted during the same appointment that the dental implant is placed. In other cases, time is needed for the mouth to heal before a restoration is fitted – this can be anything from two days to six months. Your dentist will let you know what you’ll require during the planning of your treatment.

  • Dental implant treatment is a cutting-edge procedure. It requires further training and extensive skill by the dentist in order to place dental implants safely and effectively. It also involves the use of advanced products and technologies.

  • This is a procedure whereby four to six dental implants and a full arch of false teeth are placed in a single appointment. It’s ideal for people who have no or very few natural teeth. However, treatment is not appropriate for everyone and you’ll need to speak to your dentist to see if you would be suitable.

  • Some people are tempted to have dental treatment abroad because the price is often lower. However, the quality of the products used is not always of the same standard as those used in the UK, because other countries might not regulate the industry as closely as we do here. Similarly, ongoing maintenance is really important for successful dental implant treatment. This can be difficult to obtain if you have had the surgery in a different country.